The International Business Revolution

The International Business Revolution

The International Business Revolution

During the late twentieth century economists, political scientists, and historians noticed an interesting Economic trend, which the world has never experienced before.  American, Western European, and East Asian businesses and corporations began to outsource much of their labor and manufacturing jobs to other developing some countries.  These nations, which are now great centers of manufacture in the world's increasingly global economy include, China; Cambodia; Vietnam; the Philippines; India, and many others.  Although this trend began very slowly during the latter decades of the twentieth century, the development of fourth-generation technology and communication devices, which occurred in the early 2000s has greatly assisted other countries In economically capitalizing on the enormous amount of wealth generated by these economic developments.

  The influence of fourth-generation technology on this international business revolution has been profound.  Along with the economic cooperation that is emblematic of the global economy, there has been a massive influx of technological expertise, technological devices, and computer-based infrastructure such as fourth-generation networks into these developing countries. Two of the best examples of the products created by economic and technological exchanges are BlackBerry Philippines and BlackBerry Singapore.  These satellite companies were created when RIM, the designers of the BlackBerry product line, began to negotiate with carriers in both of the aforementioned nations, as well as national telecommunications corporations in both the Philippines and Singapore. As of now, BlackBerry scribers are enjoying the benefits of many of the BlackBerry services and applications.  At the same time, these satellite companies have employed many workers who work in the areas of sales, technical support, and customer service.  Therefore, many of these developing countries, including the Philippines, are sharing the profits and expertise of industrialized nations.  By creating satellite corporations such as the ones discussed in this article, struggling countries are gradually improving their citizens’ standard of living.   At the same time, Filipinos as well as citizens in other countries where RIM has made economic inroads are also able to enjoy the benefits of BlackBerry products.  Customer in the Philippines and other nations, enjoy competitive BlackBerry price, shopping online, and at on-site locations throughout the islands.   In conclusion, globalization has greatly improved the standard of life throughout the world, because the fact that industrial nation such as Japan, the United States, and many Western European countries, have begun to transfer labor intensive and manufacturing jobs overseas.    Researchers should not be surprised to learn that RIM and other fourth-generation technology and network providers have played a major role in this lengthy process of globalization.  Thanks to these developments, RIM has been able to tap overseas markets, which had previously not been open to fourth-generation products and technologies.

As of now, BlackBerry scribers are enjoying the benefits of many of the BlackBerry services and applications. Two of the best examples of the products created by economic and technological exchanges are BlackBerry Philippines and BlackBerry Singapore.


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