Dealing With Change In Organizations: An International Business Case Study
Article by Lucile Taylor
Managing a change in an organization is a very huge task that involves changing the organizational culture. An international business case study on factors that limit organizational change and how to manage it shows that companies growing and expanding into a new competitive space, expanding market scope and attaining a complex combination of knowledge and material assets sometimes fail to change and make the best out of new opportunities because they are still trying to get the best out of the old ones.
International business case study or organizational changes reports that to transform an organization needs cooperation, initiative, and willingness of the employees and managers in the organization to make sacrifices. Developing a change vision and strategy, communicating the change vision, empowering employees for broad based action, and establishing that sense of urgency are just some of the factors that can enable a company embrace change. International business case study have also shown that managers rely on steering mechanisms to unexpected circumstances thereby ignoring any information that does not fit into the existing mechanism.
Creating a sense of urgency referred to in international business case study as one way of making the change easier for employees involves risky and bold actions that might include drawing up a balance sheet reflecting losses accurately, or other hard actions such as selling luxurious headquarters which the firm can no longer afford. To establish a sense of urgency means eliminating organizational needs that breed complacency.
Programs aimed to change often get support of only a few people and resources in the organization. The initial stages of change may well do with this, but progressing to attain successful change would need the support of additional resources and people are very important. Normally, a coalition is formed to guide the change in the organization, and is made up of the CEO and his team of senior managers, other managers, and employees.
Coalition should be powerful enough in terms of reputations and relationships, expertise, titles, and information, to successfully guide the change in the organization. If possible, the coalition should try to include union leaders, board members, and even key customers to increase backing for the necessary change to be made.
The guiding coalition should have a clear picture of the future that would provide direction in which the organization needs to move towards, often referred to as the change vision. This vision should be easy to understand as well as communicate; it should be appealing to employees, stockholders, and customers. An unclear vision can disrupt the transformation of the company and can often result to nothing more than confusion. Thorough discussion of the vision by partners in the coalition promotes a clearer understanding of it and even results to a well formulated strategy to achieving the vision of change.
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Lucile Taylor, an expert in Non Profit, is a writer for
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